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Geoadvertainment et Geoethics

Denise Pumain
Cet article est une traduction de :
Géoadvertainment et géoéthique

Texte intégral

1Europe has chosen 2009 to celebrate creativity and innovation. When it comes to creativity, geography doesn’t lag behind: after the (pleonastic) geolocalisation, geocomputation, geovisualisation, geosimulation, now we have animated maps and synthetic images in three dimensions insinuating themselves into geographical presentations. Armed with these new tools, geographers know how to attract attention, even as they amuse the public. Will they have already assimilated this new incarnation of publicity ‘communication’, this ‘advertainment’ intended to divert, while showing off some new product or service?

2Innovate, of course, but to what purpose ? Is it about demonstrating know-how, graphic and computer virtuosity, cartographic imagination? Selling these new geographical clothes, this dynamic dressing-up of maps, practicing a form of visual ‘storytelling’ for the benefit of geomarketing is certainly not without interest. Some do not hesitate to promote spatial analysis (sic) as the new, indispensable know-how for public or private business.

3But geography is not merely useful for engaging in the economic war. It also has the ambition to understand the world and to make it understood, in its diversity and in its changes, to analyse them, explain them, even to anticipate them. Have we really advanced in understanding the processes that maintain 15% of the population of the world in a state of famine, and of geopolitical situations that revive or breed conflicts? Are we in a position to make concrete local or global proposals to achieve sustainable growth, ‘livable’cities, and a habitable planet? The problems are not new, and the challenges still to be met are enormous. To be creative and innovative means also to tirelessly revise and reconstruct the theories and models, and to share this knowledge. This is another kind of storytelling, and this particular story is worth telling well.

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Référence électronique

Denise Pumain, « Geoadvertainment et Geoethics », Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography [En ligne], Éditoriaux, mis en ligne le 14 janvier 2009, consulté le 18 avril 2024. URL :

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Denise Pumain

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