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Sélection des meilleurs articles de SAGEO 2005

Presentation : Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics

Conference SAGEO'2005, Avignon, France
Didier Josselin et Thérèse Libourel

Texte intégral

1SAGEO is the annual International Conference on Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics. It aims to:

  •  present recent and high quality research in the field of Geomatics and Spatial Analysis,

  • bring together researchers from various disciplines,

  • provide an exchange platform on research and development in Geomatics, on a national and international level, for public or private bodies.

2SAGEO is a good opportunity for two complementary research networks to meet and to discuss their points of view on spatial data modeling and geographical analysis:

3the French National Resarch Group on Geographical Information and GIS, called 'SIGMA' (Systèmes d'Information Géographique, Méthodologies et Applications; coordinators : Michel Mainguenaud & Christiane Weber, CNRS):

4the European Research Group S4 (Spatial Simulations for Social Sciences, coordinator : Denise Pumain, CNRS).

5As an international conference, SAGEO is of course open to researchers coming from any countries. The official languages are the French and the English.

6SIGMA requirements are to spread a good knowledge about theoretical and practical progress in GI and GIS technologies, to strengthen the links between the existing partners (CNRS, INRIA, IGN, INRA, CEMAGREF, CNIG, AFIGEO, AGILE, GEOIDE...) and to favour the multidisciplinary projects and connections. SIGMA includes about 50 laboratories and 250 members (geographers, computer scientists, etc.). It runs 5 working groups :

  • location based services and mobile applications,

  • urban and environmental risks,

  • earth observation and remote sensing,

  • animated, interactive and multimedia cartography,

  • territorial governance and participatory GIS.

7S4 objectives are to develop spatial dynamic modelling as an integrative tool for understanding, discussing and helping to manage the evolution of our complex societies. In this network close connections are established between research groups and laboratories (30) from several countries in order to put complexity theories into practice by developing more widely applicable operational simulation tools. Several axes of research are developed :

  • GAME project: geographical analysis and modelling for evolving Europe

  • AtinSpan: advanced training in spatial analysis

  • HyperGeo Project: multilingual and multicultural encyclopedia of main geographical concepts

  • SpanGeo project: spatial networks in geography

  • Study of the spatial mobility in social context

  • MODUS: modelling urban space

  • SMASH: multi-agents systems in Geography

8The following papers are a selection of the best articles presented during the conference SAGEO'2005 and already edited in the conference proceedings, in Avignon (France) in 2005 (about 150 participants). It gives an idea of the variety and the richness of the research deployed through these two networks.

9NB: SAGEO'2005 was in Avignon, SAGEO'2006 in Strasbourg, next SAGEO'2007 conference will be held in Clermont-Ferrand, 18th-20th of June (​site/​SAGEO2007/​index.html).

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Référence électronique

Didier Josselin et Thérèse Libourel, « Presentation : Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics », Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography [En ligne], Dossiers, mis en ligne le 25 octobre 2006, consulté le 16 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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Didier Josselin

THEMA, UMR 6049, CNRS, Université de Franche-Comté, France, email :

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Thérèse Libourel

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