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The Age of Reason

12 May 2003
Denise Pumain
Cet article est une traduction de :
L'âge de raison

Texte intégral

1At seven years of age, Cybergeo, an ancestor among the electronic scientific reviews, is still in full growth!  The connections continue to increase exponentially:  there were more than 150,000 visits to the site in 2002, that is, an increase of a third over the previous year, and with five million requests, the number of pages consulted, 1.2 million, exceeds by 20% the number in 2001.  More than 250 articles are online, and more than a hundred other texts supply the sections on information and debate.

2After seven years, it is time to reflect on our original project:  our ambition to found an international European journal is now expressed through publications in five languages.  Although two thirds of the articles are written in French, almost half of the authors—45%—come from countries other than France:  the United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, Italy, Spain, Canada, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, India…We also have readers in Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, etc.  This expansion was made possible by the diligent collaboration of an active editorial board, and an international network of researchers committed to quality and to the freedom of scientific expression.

3We therefore regret all the more deeply the attitude of the ‘international’ systems of citation, which have resisted our repeated requests to be registered.  Like other European journals in the social sciences, the European Foundation for Science has decided to create its own index.  We wait impatiently for this measure, which should reassure researchers about the official recognition of the validity of the publication supports for career assessments.

4After seven years, everything moves more rapidly, and this is also true of Cybergeo:  We invite you to travel more freely and more efficiently in the journal.  In order to improve the speed of access, we have gathered together in a list without icons the totality of the sections that are already familiar to you, and installed all the additional functions on the Toolbar.  The Toolbar will remain available on every page, and will therefore enable you to access the different services without having to go back to the journal’s Webpage.

5In the different sections, you will find the articles, written in pdf format, with their titles listed in two languages, with the language in which the article was written always appearing first.  We indicate at the end of each article how a written reference to the article should be written, in order to answer a question that has often been asked.  Finally, the new composition in dynamic pages will enable you to access the content of the articles directly, by clicking in the ‘research’ box, according to the name of the author, the title, or keywords (be specific, as not all the occurrences of the word you have chosen will be available in every article!)

6Our grateful thanks go to the Webmaster, who designed the new layout, and to the team of correspondents of Cybergeo for all their suggestions.  Please don’t hesitate to come up with others!  In a world that sometimes seems to have forgotten it, ‘the age of reason’, for our journal, will be to promote creativity in interactivity.

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Référence électronique

Denise Pumain, « The Age of Reason », Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography [En ligne], Éditoriaux, mis en ligne le 12 mai 2003, consulté le 16 avril 2024. URL :

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Denise Pumain

Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne,UMR Géographie-cités, France

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