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Research and Transmission

12 january 2001
Denise Pumain
Cet article est une traduction de :
Chercher pour transmettre

Texte intégral

1The present situation provides a challenge for us to reconsider the necessary link between science and pedagogy, between research and the transmission of knowledge. The Ministry of National education has just inaugurated a broad consultation of teachers on every level with a view to modernising and giving coherence to the programs of secondary education. Armand Frémont will head the group of experts responsible for history and geography.

2Is this a coincidence? The changeover in the jury for the doctoral programme has been accompanied by innovations that can seem unsettling. A debate has been launched around two petitions that are being circulated. These texts have the virtue of opening up a collective reflection on both form and content. Cybergéo invites you to contribute to this debate in the column "Points Chauds". We hope that everyone, both students and teachers, will feel free to express their views.

3We again extend an invitation—in the context of former questions that need to be asked again from time to time: Cybergéo has put online in a deliberately incomplete form, for a collective effort intended to be interactive, a small encyclopedia of the fundamental concepts of geography. Hypergéo also wishes to accompany these concepts with definitions in context, documents, bibliographical references, illustrations, and…debates! A large and open group is meeting, discussing, producing, and welcoming all proposals and contributions. So, wait no longer! A living scientific community is a community that expresses itself, that establishes itself through debate, indeed, that takes the risk of ‘communicating’ in our garrulous and media-oriented century.

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Référence électronique

Denise Pumain, « Research and Transmission », Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography [En ligne], Éditoriaux, mis en ligne le 12 janvier 2001, consulté le 18 avril 2024. URL :

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Denise Pumain

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